Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Retirement Part Five

One way to give you more money you could be a Walmart greeter, or start repairing appliances or small engines, or buying things at yard sales then reselling them on eBay or flea markets. If you are in to those kind of things and if done right any of these ideas can and will supplement your pension income while reducing the amount of free time. I have been watching a television program called pickers. these people go around the country buying old as well as interesting things and then resell them in the city for a profit most of the time. A person has to have money to do this and you would be again trading your time for dollars and when you stop so does the income. That is unless you had people working for you doing this type of business. There is your passive income coming into play.

You could always go down to the river and pan for gold. I know it is a lot of hard physical work, but you are outside in the fresh air, getting lots of physical exercise and it really doesn't take all that much gold to make an ounce. This again is active income and when you stop gold prospecting your income would stop, here again if you had honest people prospecting for you could change the active income for passive income.

A few days ago I was looking at some videos on YouTube and came across some videos by Robert Kiyosaki the author of the famous book Rich Dad Poor Dad. Robert talked about network marketing as a business opportunity that is a great vehicle for creating passive income, the kind of income that we are looking for as retires.Many people who have built a successful network marketing business have done so by recognizing the possibilities in using it as a vehicle to create a large passive income a positive cash flow, and in using that cash flow to build their wealth. A important key to creating wealth is having a positive cash flow, that cash can be used to invest in other positive cash flow opportunities. I agree you do have to use your free time to build a business to start with but as the business grows you will be able to reclaim some of your free time.

What is network marketing? Network marketing is no different from traditional business in that it has a particular product or service available for purchase by those who choose it.

There are a large number of people who have not made any money from their network marketing business, and usually the first thing they blame is the business, not themselves. Most of them did not plug into the support system, were not active enough in their business, did not give it long enough to work and, most importantly, did not treat it as a real business. If they had started a traditional business with the same lack of focus and respect, they would have failed there also. Because in most cases the start-up costs of a network marketing business are very low, this can be reflected in the commitment given to the business.

The important thing you need to know is that many thousands of people have made money from network marketing, much of it significant, and so can you if you decide to work at it. Being in network marketing is no different to being in traditional business—if you don’t work the business, the business won’t work for you.

How many people do you know that started a fitness program or a diet only to quit after a few weeks or months?

Was the program at fault or was it that the people that were doing the program?

In business, more importantly, consider how many people start a traditional business and fail. The figures are truly alarming (in some areas, nine out of ten businesses fail within the first two years), and in most cases people lose everything as a result. If we focused on this fact, no one would want to start a business and the economy would probably collapse.

Being successful in any business is more about attitude than anything else.

But the wonderful thing about most network marketing models and companies is that they have been proven to work in the past—which means, at least theoretically, that you can make it work as well. In other words, they are based on a tried, tested and proven model.

If you take only one key message from this presentation it is this: approach your network marketing business with the right attitude, stay positive, have goals and dreams and you will make it work for you.

You will notice that I did not suggest a network marketing company and that was for two reasons. The first one is that everyone is different and what type of business that you would enjoy doing may not be the type of business that I would get excited about and want to do. The second reason is that at this time I have no idea what type of business I want to be in myself.

My next blog will be how to realistically take the information that I have presented in the first parts of this series and carefully build a business that will generate a passive income that will supplement your pension income without cutting into your hard earned savings.

I am not sure when I will be able to write the next post as the owner of the house we are house sitting for is suppose to be coming home if not today, in the next two to three days so I have no idea when I will be able to get on line again.

Until the next time keep on keeping on.

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