Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Biolite Stove

I came across this unique product yesterday for charging your electronic devices. The advantage of this device is that it can also be used for heating and cooking, two very important things when one does not have any electricity.

The fuel is twigs and small pieces of wood. The company web page explains just how efficient and very affordable at only $129.95, this Biolite Stove is. The company web site address is for everyone who is interested in viewing this amazing product.

As you all know we are retired, living in a motorhome and gold prospecting in Canada as well as writing this blog. There has been many times that we could have used a product like this when our propane had run out and we were not able to get to a town as the road out to the highway was too muddy due to a week of rain. A small camp stove like this would have been a tremendous help to us.

I am going to personally invest in one of these units. When I am sitting down at the river panning for gold it would be great to have a hot cup of coffee once in a while, and maybe a hot meal instead of a warm sandwich. The comforts of life.

If you are living in a city and the power goes off a product like this would sure make your life a lot easer.

A month ago I came across a fan that sat on top of a wood stove. When the stove got hot the fan would start to turn and blow the heat from the stove into the room. What a great concept. The fan had a small electric motor that turned the blades. I would have liked to have put my volt meter on the leads running to the motor to see how much voltage was being created, but since the owner was not around to ask for permission to do some testing, I had to control my curiosity.

This morning I read an article in the local paper that is going to be of interest to most people about the hazards of electronic radiation that we are being bombarded with every day. Look forward to this very interesting subject in my next blog post.

Until next time keep on keeping on.

1 comment:

  1. Gary that's just a wood gas stove, people make them out of 2 or 3 cans for less than 5 bucks most times. Check youtube.


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