Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Looking Back

With the worlds economy struggling the way it is, our money not lasting until our next payday, and the rise of more extreme health problems, how can a struggling family today survive? Jobs that were once viewed as permanent are now disappearing due to technological developments, business failure, or business mergers.

Some people spend years learning how to do a particular job efficiently and then find there is no demand for that skill set, what do you do? An example of this is the professional photographer. 40 to 50 years photo studios were common in every town and city around the country. Today most people have drifted away from the traditional style of photography, and take the photographs that they want with their cel phone or tablet camera. Photographs today are shared on social media sites.

Some people are taking a second job, or even as many as three or four part time jobs just to be able to survive.  The problem with this that all they end up doing is working and sleeping, and eventually they start having physical problems and are not able to work as much due to health issues.

Is there an answer to the life's problems that we all are encountering?  I do not believe there is any one answer to this question as every ones problems are uniquely their own and are dependant on their own unique circumstances.

Being retired from the work force I can appreciate where every one is coming from as I was once there myself and now being retired and having to live on a small pension I am still here nothing has changed. 

The biggest mistake that I made was not to look after my body now I am paying for that mistake. Hind site is 20/20 and that is a fact. The things I should have done is spend more time and effort keeping my body healthy and fit. And the second thing I should have done is work at a business that would give me a passive income even after I was retired from the traditional work force.

The past is the past and can not be changed. The only thing that we can control is the present and by changing what is happening today the future will have a different out come that if we continued doing what we are presently doing.

In the following blogs I will be talking about how we are changing the present by making a series of choices that will have an effect on our future. Yes I am still going to be continuing the alternative energy blog but that will not be until the fall, after we purchase  a home and I start building my own alternative energy source.

Until next time keep on keeping on.

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