Friday, January 25, 2013

Part Seven

There are any number of ways that you can generate a little extra income each month whether it is active or passive income.

Affiliate programs are programs where you advertise a companies products either with a website or by direct marketing the information and a third way is advertising the products with an infomercial. You will receive a commission on each product that is sold by your sales program. The interesting part of this type of business is that you can generate both active as well as passive income depending on how you structure your business.

The downside of this type of business is that there are usually hundreds if not thousands of other people doing the same thing as you as we'll as marketing to the same people that you would be marketing to.

The question is can you make money selling other people's products with your business?

An affiliate marketing program is very similar to a network marketing program or even a large business where the products are sold by a large number of sales representative or individual business from all around the world. The manufacturer of the products rely on the affiliates to sell their product for them thus creating a passive income for the owner. The owner of this type of company is building a business in such a way as to be able to sell it in the future as a product in much the same way as someone who builds a widget and then sells the widget to a customer. In this case the widget is the business that generates a passive income for the new owner and is worth more than a widget that does not generate any income.

Where I am going with this train of thought is that if you were to create a product what ever it might be you might want to consider a marketing it through an affiliate program.

Businesses have been around for thousands of years, it has been only since the industrial revolution that businesses have grown to the point where they need to have many employees to keep them operational.

As an individual we look at IBM, Apple, or Microsoft with their thousands of employees and say to ourselves that these businesses are so large there is no way that an individual today could ever build a business that big today. Well that is not true for one thing as Apple started in a garage on a very small investment much the same way Bill Gates started Microsoft and look at where they are today.

I am not telling you that you should set your goals that you are going to make billions of dollars, that is very unrealistic. Personally I can not even comprehend that much money. I am retired and do not need the stress associated with building a business of that size.

I truly hope that this series of posts give you some serious in site into how to create a little more passive income in your pocket. My next post will be on writing a book, getting it published and options on how to market it.

Until next time keep on keeping on.

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