Sunday, January 20, 2013


I am starting a new series today on retirement, what it is, how it will effect you, and how it could benefit you in allow you to become even more successful than you ever dreamed possible while working for a living.

Hind sight is always 20 20, well that may be true but as a retired person we now have a opportunity to grasp the brass ring and live life as we have never experienced it before.

I think all of you have felt the financial stress of the work world that we have left. And to be honest you will probably feel the financial hardship of being retired, but it is not the same, and it is not as hard on our stressed out bodies.

Your mind, that you have had to push to its limit learning new technologies just to be able to keep a job so that you can support your family, will now be able to relax now that you don't have to work. The problem there is that your mind has been working at such a fast pace for so long it takes a while for it to slow down to the retirement pace. It took me personally 2 1/2 years for my mind to start slowing down and to get me out of the work mode. I spent most of my life self employed and this may be the reason that it has taken me so long to start slowing down.

A story I heard years ago was about a man called was bankrupt at age 65 who went on to create a huge successful fast food empire, Kentucky Fried Chicken. This man at an age when most people are leaving the work force, and without any savings to back him managed to build a very substantial income by working smarter not harder.

Retirement happens to all of us whether we want to or not. When we reach a certain age society tells us that we are not wanted any more in the work force. We are given a pension, a lot smaller amount of money than we had been making at our job, and told to go home and stay there.

Some of us that were self employed were lucky in that they were able to work for a few years longer, but our bodies like any well designed machine are designed to only work for so long before they start to break down.

Everyone of us over the years has accumulated a tremendous amount of knowledge. Some good, some bad, in a the career that we had chosen to work in many long years ago when we were young. Some of that accumulated knowledge gets passed on to our kids and grand children but most of it gets forgotten as the years pass by.

Some of the professions that we started in when we were young have been eliminated by today's newer technologies. The tools of today are the computers, they can be found everywhere, in our automobiles, and even in our kitchens. Today computers have become an essential part of our lives whether we want it or not.

A lady I knew in Saskatoon bought her first computer when she was 90 years old. She wrote and published 4 books while sitting at home. This lady woke up one day and decided that she wanted to pass on some of her knowledge for future generations.

I have talked about a lot of things and will give you a day to digest what I have just said.

Until tomorrow keep on keeping on.

Gary King

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